"identifying areas
for risk prevention"
Patula Risk is able to offer clients comprehensive insurance products for their larger Timber Processing Facilities, including beneficiation operations such as Sawmills, Treatment Plants, Biofuel Generation Facilities, and Chipboard Plants. Our products allow for the fact that while there are similarities and some common requirements in the Forest Products Industry, no two Manufacturing Operations are identical in their profile, and the risk profile of each needs to be catered to individually.
In the current South African Insurance market, finding this class of Insurance is not always easy, but as brokers, Patula Risk encourages the client and A rated insurers to work together closely in improving those aspects of the Insured’s business that expose the operations to catastrophic risk. Well-respected industry figures are used to conduct independent risk surveys at the property itself and determine potential exposures, taking into consideration the operation’s unique and individual characteristics, and an actionable plan agreed for the short, medium, and long-term improvements.